Thursday, July 25, 2013

My life in list form...

I feel like it would be a very positive thing for me to just sit down and make some lists of the following:

1. Things I am looking forward to
2. Things I am thankful for
3. Reason why I enjoy being a mother
4. 5 Things I am thankful for today
5. 5 reasons why I enjoy being me

Okay, so I've decided to limit my lists to only five. Within each list I am limiting it to only 10 things except for List #4 and #5. I know, I had to find a way to make this complicated.


  1. Brittany moves here in..uhh...53 days?
  2. Starting school!/ Getting my Associates Degree in Octover!
  3. Electric Run with Emily, Kristie, and Shawn!
  4. Going to see Justin Timberlake in concert!
  5. Making crafts/decorating our apartment/ baking/holiday madness with Britt! 
  6. Sesame Christmas with Alex and Sebastian! Sesame! Yeeeeiiii!
  7. Turning 25!
  8. Going ice skating at Rockefeller Center! 
  9. Allen and Mason's birthdays! 
  10. Shopping for fall clothes!
  1. The amazing friends and family I have.
  2. AC units
  3. heirlooms 
  4. facebook/instagram/email/internet/cell phone...all these things keep me connected to the people I love.
  5. food/water/shelter--being able to live in the apartment I live in.
  6. My car. I really couldn't imagine life without it.
  7. The opportunity to go back to school.
  8. Teachers--Allen has made so much progress in his speech, and I am really thankful to both of Allen and Mason's teachers this past year for all they did for my sweet boys. 
  9. My glasses/contacts. I wouldn't be able to see without them! I guess I am also thankful for my healthcare plan. That falls under healthcare...
  10. Books. They give me another world to escape to.
  1. I enjoy taking pictures of all the special moments I share with my boys.
  2. I love listening to them laugh.
  3. I love getting hugs and kisses from them.
  4. I love teaching Allen and Mason new things.
  5. I like celebrating holidays with them. They are so magical.
  6. I enjoy taking them to places like Sesame Place, New York Hall of Science, Kaleidoscope, Aquariums the movies, to get ice cream,  etc.--It is fun to see them experience things and to experience things with them.
  7. I enjoy the funny faces Mason makes.
  8.  I love the funny things Allen says.
  9. I love trying to decide who looks more like who. Does Allen look more like me? Or does Mason look more like me? It is fun seeing the little personality traits of myself and Daniel in Allen and Mason...well, eh...sometimes. :)
  10. These are my babies. All mine. No one has another two like them. That makes me lucky.
  1. Well, I am alive.
  2. I was able to laugh this morning. 
  3. I woke up rested this morning!
  4. Pinterest.
  5. The is only supposed to be 71! I might just go to the Zoo today!
  1. I am Allen and Mason's mom.
  2. I get to live in New York.
  3. Only my life experiences are unique to me. No one else has lived my life.
  4. I enjoy having the friends I have.
  5. No one looks like me. I always thought it would be cool to have an identical twin, but I like being the only person that looks like me. Think about that--there is no one else that is you

Okay, I just needed to take a moment and really focus on the positive things in my life. I would encourage everyone to either go make the same lists, or at least go through and make mental lists of these. Some of these I had to stop and think about. It made me realize how negative I was being in certain areas. Sometimes it is important to stop and put things in perspective. 

On American Eagle's facebook page, they are looking for their next Project Live Your Life winner. Eh, I decided it would be fun to enter. I am working on this whole confidence thing, and I am a little shy about I figured I would be safe posting it on my blog. After all, I am not sure how many people actually read it. After I get over the initial anxiety of it being on my blog, then I MIGHT post it on my facebook page. No promises though.
Here is the link . I encourage you to check it out. I also have no problem encouraging YOU to go and sign up! :)

Here was last year's winner!

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