Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I'm still new to blogging. I've decided that I want to add "pages", but I'm having a hard time adding multiple posts to them. It is so frustrating because each page is meant to be a stand-alone page. Yeah, yeah...it gives me a headache trying to figure it all out. However, I feel like I have made some progress. I really like my new layout. I also figured out how to add a Facebook button under the "contact me" me tab! Woo hoo!

 Let me tell you a little bit about each section of my blog and what I hope to achieve. The "About Me" section you will find some information about myself. A really short bio, but I'm assuming everyone already knows everything they need to know about me for now. If not, read my blog entries! :) In the "Recipes" section I plan on posting some of my favorite recipes. I plan on trying some new things out I find on Pinterest too, so it should be a lot of fun posting out them! In the "picture perfect" section I plan on uploading some of my favorite photos. I love pictures. I hope you enjoy the new look as much as I do! I plan on posting recipes tomorrow! Make sure to check back!


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